WHCF 2023
Smart Health City Ideas Contest
[DAY3] 22 Nov, 11:15 - 12:00 (Grand Ballroom A+B)
The 'Smart Healthy City Idea Contest' was held as a special event of WHCF 2023. The competition assessed entries based on criteria such as creativity, feasibility, and interdisciplinary integration.
Participants were invited to propose ideas for creating safer, healthier, and more sustainable cities and societies in preparation for mega risks such as pandemics and climate crises. Submissions covered various themes including safety, housing, healthcare, environment, transportation, welfare, as well as policies, administration, business, services, space design, and meta-verse.
Applications were accepted since August 2023, and after the second round of presentations in October, the results were announced at the end of the month. There were the 1 grand award, the 2 outstanding achievement awards, and the 3 Excellences. Among the winners, the team from Dongduk Women's University, consisting of JUNG Ha Neul (Global MICE Major '22), AHN Young Hyun (Global MICE Major '21), NA Hyun Ji (Computer Science '21), and CHOI Seon Ho (Information Statistics '20), named "Meta Movers," won the top prize. The winning team proposed a smart health city solution that promotes sustainable and user-centered experiences, particularly emphasizing an inclusive bus package suitable for both non-disabled individuals and people with disabilities, earning praise from the judges.
The 1st World Health CIty Forum Academia Competition Award
The 1st Smart Health City Idea Contest Ceremony