A·G·B Roundtable
How to Secure Humanity's Well-being in the Face of Mega-risks
[DAY3] 22 Nov, 10:00 - 11:15 (Grand Ballroom A+B)
As part of the WHCF 2023 main program, the second A·G·B Round Table was held under the theme of "How to Secure Humanity's Well-being in the Face of Mega-risks?" to explore the potential for solidarity and cooperation between academia (A), government (G), including national and city governments, and business (B).
The roundtable was moderated by Taejun HAN, President of Ghent University Global Campus, with participation from Jeremy Rifkin, Colin Janssen of Ghent University in Belgium; Bima Arya Sugiarto, Mayor of Bogor City in Indonesia; and Yun-Chul HONG, WHCF Executive Chairman. Discussions centered on global risks and strategies for building a safe, resilient, and sustainable future. Experts from a range of fields, including business, economics, politics, marine science, and environmental health, shared insights, highlighting the importance of green spaces and their role in maintaining a healthy environment. There was also a broad discussion on the need for city strategies to harness sustainable energy, restructure unsustainable industries, and foster new leadership to address climate change and environmental issues, as well as the necessity for urban strategies that involve collaboration with citizens.